Current News

Going Wide Open!

2021-06-01T20:06:31+00:00June 1st, 2021|

Our tea factory is going at full speed now.  We work on tea most all the time.  Besides picking bushels of fresh green leaves daily and processing, we have to fill and seal the mylar bags, and pack 6 oz loose leaf bags and make our little boxes of individual cup size tea bags.  We [...]

Spring Clearance Sale Continues.

2021-01-27T21:12:51+00:00January 27th, 2021|

Thank you for ordering our tea online in this special, one time offer.  It made us nervous getting several orders the first few days but it has proven to be manageable.  The worse part is standing in the Post Office lines with boxes but fortunate for me, my lovely wife is doing that for me.  [...]