Current News

Tea Maker visits Fairhope Farm

2019-10-07T00:55:26+00:00October 7th, 2019|

Mr Weijin (Tom) He, pronounced Hay,  visited the Fairhope Tea Plantation for a couple days this week and helped make a batch of green tea.  Tom's family are tea makers along with several of his friends.  He has moved to the Washington DC area.  Donnie and Tom discussed intently the processes of making green tea.  [...]

Fairhope Tea is now in a Grocery Store!

2019-09-25T17:40:09+00:00September 25th, 2019|

For the first time we are selling the Fairhope tea at a local grocery store: Fairhope Market.  We have not done this before even though we have been ask repeatedly to allow shops and stores to sell it.  Our driveway sells are going very nicely but our production is up so we just might see [...]

Great Black Tea

2019-09-09T23:06:54+00:00September 9th, 2019|

We have been making some great black tea here at the Fairhope Tea Plantation this summer.  When the new growth comes on in the 90 degree heat it quickly waxes over into the most beautiful tea leaves that have a special, polished look.   The heavy leaf wax makes an especially good flavor.  This flavor [...]

Tea Making Class

2019-07-13T21:20:32+00:00July 13th, 2019|

On July 8, 2019, the Copper Kettle Tea Bar with Robin Peters and Susan Adams came to the plantation for lessons on growing and producing tea. We bruised and fermented a batch of black tea then braved the heat to go out and pick, them pan fry in a wok a batch of green tea. They learned lots about tea craft and left with plenty of samples. They are located in the park in downtown Foley, Al and serve wonderful lunches and very clever soups and sandwiches. Go see them!

Finish First Flush

2019-06-11T15:48:33+00:00June 11th, 2019|

We have finished processing the first flush for this spring.  We made 92 pounds of finished tea, including black, Oolong and green teas.  We have already sold a good chunck of that with a drive up market going really well.  We have had folks from states far away come here for tea, in fact I [...]

Black Tea Production

2019-05-07T21:24:35+00:00May 7th, 2019|

Today we toasted, screened and packed 40.8 pounds of black tea.  We screen this tea as a more commercial product which I will sell to a local resort area.  We have whole leaf black tea, as well as green and Oolong, which we sell in 5oz and 10 oz bags.  Come and just enjoy the [...]