Current News

March Flush

2019-03-28T19:51:16+00:00March 28th, 2019|

This is one of our shade grown areas which is covered with the first flush of the year ready to be picked.  Some areas are even more developed than is shown in this photo.  I have never picked tea in March , usually in April and in some years the first of May.  I guess [...]

Tea Flowers are Blooming.

2019-01-06T17:44:39+00:00January 6th, 2019|

January 6, 2019  Today I had a professional photographer come out and photograph the tea flowers.  With the warm weather there are many thousands of blossoms now (as well on my big Camellias).  I am wanting a real glamor shot of a flower to put on the new labels I am designing.  My old labels [...]

Shade Grown Tea

2019-02-18T18:49:53+00:00December 28th, 2018|

Dec 28, 2018  Today we are cutting into the shade grown tea rows and pruning back this years growth.  The leaves are larger, as I explained in my growing tea section, darker and really pretty.  I rather hate to chop them down with my Black and Decker pruner but this is why they are here [...]