Current News

Tea Flowers are Blooming.

2019-01-06T17:44:39+00:00January 6th, 2019|

January 6, 2019  Today I had a professional photographer come out and photograph the tea flowers.  With the warm weather there are many thousands of blossoms now (as well on my big Camellias).  I am wanting a real glamor shot of a flower to put on the new labels I am designing.  My old labels [...]

Shade Grown Tea

2019-02-18T18:49:53+00:00December 28th, 2018|

Dec 28, 2018  Today we are cutting into the shade grown tea rows and pruning back this years growth.  The leaves are larger, as I explained in my growing tea section, darker and really pretty.  I rather hate to chop them down with my Black and Decker pruner but this is why they are here [...]