Current News

High Cotton!

2024-06-07T15:56:43+00:00June 7th, 2024|

We are having a huge bumper crop of tea this year.  Last year I went for long periods with nothing to pick but this year it is growing faster than I can pick it.  I shoot for 300 pounds a year and did not make that last year.  We almost sold out by spring, before [...]

Dead of Winter

2024-02-20T17:41:09+00:00February 20th, 2024|

It is still cold here in Fairhope and the spring has not sprung and the tea buds are not swelling...yet.  That will happen in a matter of days and the bleak, thin tea bushes will all turn bright green.  This photo is a tea branch I keep on my patio to show tea plant customers [...]