Current News

‘Tis the Season; To Plant Tea!

2022-12-12T17:17:57+00:00December 12th, 2022|

Our tea plant sales are going rather briskly.  I invite tea plant customers to come see us at the farm during the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas as this is the best time to move evergreens.  This gives the new seedings time to get established before facing the heat of summer.  I have been scheduling [...]

It’s Here!

2022-04-01T19:00:58+00:00April 1st, 2022|

The first flush has arrived, and we have started plucking.  We are picking the baby buds now and are making our first yellow tea.  Yellow tea is a green tea that you produce without heat sources or sun.  You have to make it in small batches because the time it takes to get up a [...]